Mmm…I like this song :D

Lyrics to Prayer In C
Ya, you never said a word
you didn’t send me no letter
don’t think i could forgive you

see, our world is slowly dying
i’m not wasting no more time
don’t think i could believe you

ya, you never said a word
you didn’t send me no letter
don’t think i could forgive you

see, our world is slowly dying
i’m not wasting no more time
don’t think i could believe you

ya, our hands will get more wrinkled
and our hair, it will be grey
don’t think i could forgive you

and see the children are starving
and their houses were destroyed
don’t think they could forgive you

hey, when seas will cover lands
and when men will be no more
don’t think you can forgive you

yeah, when there’ll just be silence
and when life will be over
don’t think you will forgive you

ya, you never said a word
you didn’t send me no letter
don’t think i could forgive you

see, our world is slowly dying
i’m not wasting no more time
don’t think i could believe you

ya, you never said a word
you didn’t send me no letter
don’t think i could forgive you

see, our world is slowly dying
i’m not wasting no more time
don’t think i could believe you

ya, our hands will get more wrinkled
and our hair, it will be grey
don’t think i could forgive you

and see the children are starving
and their houses were destroyed
don’t think they could forgive you

hey, when seas will cover lands
and when men will be no more
don’t think you can forgive you

yeah, when there’ll just be silence
and when life will be over
don’t think you will forgive you

2. How to double your investment…:)


Last week while I was on vacation, I made my second trade of the shares IFOX. This is only a test to see what the probability of doubling an investment is (beginning with 19800SEK) … some call it gambling,  I call it patience… 🙂

Dok sam bila na “sluzbenom putu” uspjela je i druga misija IFOXa…:) Ovo je testno cisto da vidim koja je vjerovatnoca da se uduplaju pare (poceci s 19800SEK)…neki to nazivaju kockom, a ja strpljenjem…:)

2 IFOX trade

To be continued…

BODRUM – check ;)

Svi koji me dobro poznaju znaju da ja zivim po jednoj “to do”-listi…

Moja to do lista zna biti jako komplikovana a u biti je i jednostavna. Tu pisem sve sto moram/zelim uraditi (do) 😉

Mozda jedne prilike pokazem kako to izgleda..a danas, ne…danas zelim samo da objavim da sam uspjesno sklonila (“checkirala”) jos jednu zelju koju sam imala…a to je:


Vjerovali ili ne, a zna me glava zaboliti dok ne rijesim stvar iz to do liste 😉 odkad sam sinoc dosla osjecam neki rahatluk…haha..

Upoznaj svog buduceg partnera – GLASAJ!!! ;)

Ovako se jedna dobra subota zapocne :)))

Moram danas da glasam…valja obaviti svoju duznost kao gradjanina…

Ovaj Tim Bergling stvarno zna svoju stvar…:)

Za koju partiju?

25 godina i vec multimilioner…svaka cast…

Crveni ili plavi?

Ipak cu prvo poslusati pjesmu, popiti caj…glasati…

E to glasanje…..Kome se da stajati u redu….



A i vi svi bi trebali isto tako! 🙂 Svaki glas je vrijedan/bitan/odlucujuci….:)))

Pitam se da li postoji i jedan bracni par, koji se upoznao bas u redu glasackom…googlirati cu to…ali prvo idem glasati…

Ako se razmisljas da li da glasas ili ne, GLASAJ, obavezno, ko zna mozda ces bas tu upoznati svoju/svog buducu/buduceg princezu/princa/partnera.. :D:D:D

ipak idem glasati…

Kako otkriti da li smo lijepi ili ružni…:)

Najnoviji test ljepote je trenutno vruća tema na Weibo (kineska verzija Facebooka). Ovaj trend se pojavljuje u više od 200.000 weibu-diskusija. “The finger-trap test” je počeo s japanskom meme i koncept je prilično jednostavan: dodirnite kažiprstom na vrh nosa i odmorite ruku na bradu. Ako vaše usne ne dodiruju prst, čestitam, ružni ste! Ako to učine, čestitam, prošli ste test, LIJEPI STE!!…:))

Pa eto provjerite i vi da li ste lijepi, hot or not that´s the question…;)

PS. Ako ne prodjete test, nemoj da vas to pogodi, ni Angelina Jolie ni Victoria Beckham nisu prošle…:)))


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