Cas te ima cas te nema…

At one point all super well, and in the other you are gone… I think that it is a very good thing that the parents of these boys released this video on youtube …As the mother of one of the boys said: ‘If all this stops one person from making the same mistake, then some good has come from showing this video. I’m hoping it will have an impact on young people and make them see that a bit of fun can have such devastating consequences.’

U jednom trenutku sve super kako treba, a u drugom te nema…sta je zivot…Smatram da je jako dobra stvar sto su roditelji ovih momaka pustili ovaj snimak na youtube…mozda spasi nekom zivot…ili ako nista sprijeci da uradi istu gresku…

– Nikad ne daj da te neko pijan ili neko ko je pod uticajom droge vozi…
– Ne daj da neko ko je pijan ili pod uticajom droge sjeda za volan…



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